Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bill Mckibben's Podcast and Bioregional Quiz

The Earth has changed since this generation was introduced to the land. People do not understand what has happened and where the earth is headed. The population growth is increasing at a rate that is becoming unsafe and unsustainable by out Earth. In order to change the current path mankind is on, a transition is needed. Economies no longer need to grow. Growth has been the answer to all of the world’s problems before. People believed that if growth in our economy occurred then the world was headed to success. However, this though process needs to change. People need to know and agree that growth is no longer the answer. Here on Earth, mankind has reached the limits of growth. Taking the bioregional quiz clarified that most people do not know much about the bioregion in which is inhabited by our species. People need to become aware of the current state in which the Earth is in. The institutions that control the population also needs to change. For example, subsidies that make the process easier and very cheap to plant corn. So much land is wasted on corn, and runs many small farmers away due to the competition. Now is the time for people around the world to change in order to sustain the earth. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Global Warming

Global warming is causing many problems throughout the world. Temperatures continue to rise and there seems to be no end in sight. Humans are the cause of global warming. Many people seem to believe that the rising temperatures are a natural occurrence. However, the pollution that we release into the atmosphere and the many trees and other plants that we cut down both contribute to the rising climate. We are presently following a path that is slowly destroying our planet.
       Looking into the future, there does no seem to be any sign of cooling temperatures. Island Civilization would ensure that the rising temperature, due to humans, would decrease tremendously. People would not be producing nearly as much pollution. Roderick Frazier Nash discussed the possibility of teleportation as a means of travel. This alone would cut down much of the pollution that currently, humans allow to be released into the atmosphere. Island Civilization would also decrease the number of trees and plants that are cut down. Living in “island civilizations” would detract humans from damaging contact with the environment. Man would no longer cut down the nature that absorbs the carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
The rising temperatures are harming many different environments, from coral reefs, to the Arctic and Antarctic. In the Arctic and Antarctic the ice is melting rapidly. Animals such as polar bears are struggling to survive due to the melting ice. The ice is their home and their key to survival, without it the polar bear species will become extinct. If the global temperatures continue to rise, in the distant future there may no longer be an Artic or Antarctic.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Island Civilization

        The Earth, in its existing condition and with the current behavior of our species, will be destroyed in time. Humans do not consider the distant future. The only contemplation of the future done by our species is for a couple years down the road. We do not see ourselves as a whole, but rather as individuals that do not play large roles. The consequences of our species’ actions are presently destroying the wilderness and the Earth. The idea of Island Civilization is one that is bizarre, and seems to be rather impossible. It will cause much controversy, but in the long run it will lead to a lasting planet Earth. Saving the planet, after the trends and behaviors that humans have set is the hardest obstacle for mankind.
            The relationship and how humans view the world has changed drastically throughout time. In the beginning there was no wilderness, no area that was uncivilized and untamed. It is when humans divided themselves between the wild and the civilized that the wilderness became distinct. Destroying the land and establishing civilization meant success for much of humankind. As time progressed the way humans viewed nature began to change and develop. Humans could see the beauty and the fun that the wilderness held within. This helped the arguments for the preservation of the wilderness. The humans’ perspective of wilderness changed yet again when they viewed it as an equivalent. Wilderness was created by God, and therefore should be treated like so.
            Considering what could be in the future there are many scenarios about the condition of the Earth. For example, the garden scenario in which humans will have total control over nature. Humans will have altered every inch of the earth. The diversity will be gone, there will no longer be untamed and untouched nature. Humans will have officially tampered with the development and evolution of the planet. Another possible scenario is called future primitive. In this scenario we will think back on the technological civilization that we have been striving for as a mistake. The human race will go back to the hunter and gatherer stage of life. Although this would help the environment and the earth it would also destroy any chances of breakthroughs and amazing triumphs.
            Overall, Island Civilization would mean removing the incorporation of civilization in the wilderness. For example, our homes could be on poles in the mountains where we would not disturb the natural settings, or underground so as to not clear the land. In order for our species to accomplish these many high set goals we simply need motivation.  
            Imagining life living in cramped quarters on islands in locations that are less than desirable seems miserable and intolerable. The spoiled lives that our species lives today compared to what is needed for our species to survive is outrageous. There is no comparison to the lives we are living today to the lives that we would live if we were to pursue Island Civilization.
            I believe that in order to successfully accomplish anything that will benefit our planet humans need to have the motivation. It takes willpower and determination to accomplish anything. In order to encourage the members of our species to be motivated we need to educate them and make sure there is total awareness and understanding. Individuals do not realize that the small deeds they do have an impact on our planet’s well being. Humans need to see the possible outcomes of our actions.
            Even though Island Civilization is an extreme plan that would steer many away, I believe that it is better than nothing. I am not sure that the technological civilization that we have created will ever downsize to Island Civilization, but there are other options. We can take numerous plans and ideas away from the concept of Island Civilization. There are less extreme alternatives that would allow our species to adopt new behaviors and actions that would slowly add to the restoration and survival of our planet. Island Civilization is an option that our species should be introduced to. The thought of Island Civilization seems to be impossible. It is something that would involve the participation and support of the entire world. Island Civilization would mean changing everyday life to the point of no recognition. The idea seems to be extremely wild and irrational. However, it is possible, and it could possibly lead to saving and preserving the Earth.