Thursday, August 23, 2012

Global Warming

Global warming is causing many problems throughout the world. Temperatures continue to rise and there seems to be no end in sight. Humans are the cause of global warming. Many people seem to believe that the rising temperatures are a natural occurrence. However, the pollution that we release into the atmosphere and the many trees and other plants that we cut down both contribute to the rising climate. We are presently following a path that is slowly destroying our planet.
       Looking into the future, there does no seem to be any sign of cooling temperatures. Island Civilization would ensure that the rising temperature, due to humans, would decrease tremendously. People would not be producing nearly as much pollution. Roderick Frazier Nash discussed the possibility of teleportation as a means of travel. This alone would cut down much of the pollution that currently, humans allow to be released into the atmosphere. Island Civilization would also decrease the number of trees and plants that are cut down. Living in “island civilizations” would detract humans from damaging contact with the environment. Man would no longer cut down the nature that absorbs the carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
The rising temperatures are harming many different environments, from coral reefs, to the Arctic and Antarctic. In the Arctic and Antarctic the ice is melting rapidly. Animals such as polar bears are struggling to survive due to the melting ice. The ice is their home and their key to survival, without it the polar bear species will become extinct. If the global temperatures continue to rise, in the distant future there may no longer be an Artic or Antarctic.


  1. For some reason this middle paragraph will not post. I have no idea why, but where there is a space this is what should be there:
    discussed the possibility of teleportation as a means of travel. This alone would cut down much of the pollution that currently, humans allow to be released into the atmosphere. Island Civilization would also decrease the number of trees and plants that are cut down. Living in “island civilizations” would detract humans from damaging contact with the environment. Man would no longer cut down the nature that absorbs the carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

  2. Wow! I was surprised to see how similar our articles were. I also believe that pollution is a major problem. The increase in temperature is a very noticeable change that even I have realized in this passed year. I also agree on the fact the teleportation might bring down the amount of pollution. Of course we don't have that technology yet so we don't know if the materials used to make a teleportation device might also cause extreme amounts of pollution!
