Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bill Mckibben's Podcast and Bioregional Quiz

The Earth has changed since this generation was introduced to the land. People do not understand what has happened and where the earth is headed. The population growth is increasing at a rate that is becoming unsafe and unsustainable by out Earth. In order to change the current path mankind is on, a transition is needed. Economies no longer need to grow. Growth has been the answer to all of the world’s problems before. People believed that if growth in our economy occurred then the world was headed to success. However, this though process needs to change. People need to know and agree that growth is no longer the answer. Here on Earth, mankind has reached the limits of growth. Taking the bioregional quiz clarified that most people do not know much about the bioregion in which is inhabited by our species. People need to become aware of the current state in which the Earth is in. The institutions that control the population also needs to change. For example, subsidies that make the process easier and very cheap to plant corn. So much land is wasted on corn, and runs many small farmers away due to the competition. Now is the time for people around the world to change in order to sustain the earth. 

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